Our Mission & Purpose Statement
Our overall mission and purpose is to partner with Christian parents to “train young champions for Christ - spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.” Simply put, we strive to teach the whole child. Therefore, we challenge students:
- Spiritually - to seek the Lord on a daily basis, to hide His Word in their hearts because His Word is their guidebook for living, to involve Him in all of their decision-making, and to come to a deeper understanding of His love for them and His purpose for their lives.
- Academically - to work their hardest, knowing God desires excellence of us – not perfection, but doing our best in everything we undertake.
- Socially - our hope is that our students make lifelong friends here – brothers and sisters in Christ who will challenge each other to be all they can be for God’s glory. God has made us relational; we are to be in fellowship with the Body of Christ, helping others and receiving help when we need it.
- Emotionally - we desire that our students become healthy, whole individuals. We will be here to listen, to share Godly counsel, and to point them to the One who desires to heal all their hurts and share all their joys.
- Physically - to understand that our bodies are the very temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. God cares about our physical well-being because He knows when we feel our best physically, we have more stamina, strength, and enthusiasm for doing His work.
LCA Purpose Statement:
We seek to disciple students so they may become fully developed followers of Christ. Through constant prayer and the study of God's Word for guidance, these goals will be accomplished through the best teaching staff, the best curriculum, and the most beneficial learning environment, that we as parents, teachers, and members of the board and staff are able to provide.
As a school, our hope is to accomplish the following goals:
- To train our children in the knowledge of God.
- To help parents educate their children according to God's plan and purpose.
- To teach our children the truth concerning life and living and about our world and all of God's creation.
- To teach our children to love all of mankind through Christ who loved the world.
- To present the Word of God as truth and the authoritative source upon which to build a life of purpose and meaning.
- To teach the Christian way of life, inspiring in our children a system of values and heart attitudes consistent with the Word of God and upholding the sanctity of the home and the sacredness of our churches. •To build responsible citizens by instilling in our young people a strong love for country and our Christian heritage. To help them understand the full meaning of a Christian worldview. We desire to send out into the world young people who will truly be lights in the darkness; competent and devout Christian leaders.
(Romans 5: 8-9, Ephesians 2: 8-10, & Titus 3:5)
LCA Philosophy of Education:
Lakeview Christian Academy believes that each student is uniquely made in the image of God. It is the purpose of the school, combined with the church and home, to encourage each student to reach their full potential in Christ.
Lakeview believes that all of the Bible is true and that it provides a basis of reference for all academic subjects and is the only reliable guide for Christian living (John 17:17). Nothing will be taught that will offend Christ or is contrary to Biblical principles. We will strive to provide an excellent academic education and environment, using Christ-centered materials to encourage our children to develop spiritually, academically, physically, emotionally, and socially.
It is our belief that through developing in our students a view of the world through the eyes of Christ that they will be able to carry the light of Christ into a dark world and be willing, competent and devoted leaders. Through this teaching of a Biblical worldview they will develop a love for God, a love for country and a true sense of their Christian heritage.
Personnel employed by LCA are the most important resource for effectively conducting a quality learning program. The educational program will function best when it employs highly qualified personnel, conducts appropriate staff development activities, and establishes policies and working conditions which are conducive to high morale and enable each staff member to make the fullest contribution to the school's programs and services.
Ready to find out more about Lakeview Christian Academy?
Contact our school office for more information.